Ja, die 50 wichtigsten Persönlichkeiten und DU bist dabei! An erster Stelle der Liste:
1 You! The consumer as creator
2 Sergey Brin and Larry Page Co-founders, Google
3 Paul Jacobs CEO, Qualcomm
4 Rupert Murdoch CEO, News Corp.
5 Steve Jobs CEO, Apple Computer
6 Susan Desmond-Hellmann President of product development, Genentech
7 The Emerging Global Middle Class China, India, Russia, Brazil, and elsewhere
8 Fujio Cho Chairman, Toyota
9 The New Oil Despots King Abdullah bin Abdul aziz al Saud (Saudi Arabia), Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Iran), Hugo Chavez (Venezuela), and Vladimir Putin (Russia)
10 Ray Ozzie Chief technical officer, Microsoft
11 Marc Benioff CEO, Salesforce.com
12 Robert Iger CEO, Walt Disney Co.
13 Stewart Butterfield and Caterina Fake Co-founders, Flickr
14 Brian McAndrews CEO, aQuantive
15 Jack Ma CEO, Alibaba.com
16 Barry Diller CEO, InterActiveCorp
17 Ed Zander CEO, Motorola
18 John Thompson CEO, Symantec
19 Mark Hurd CEO, Hewlett-Packard
20 Ben Bernanke Chairman, Federal Reserve Board
21 Bill Gates Benefactor, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
22 Reid Hoffman Angel investor and CEO, LinkedIn
23 The New New Media Kevin Rose (Digg) and Jimmy Wales (Wikipedia)
24 Patricia Woertz CEO, Archer Daniels Midland
25 Kevin Martin Chairman, Federal Communications Commission
26 Ed Whitacre Chairman and CEO, AT&T
27 Jeremy Allaire CEO, Brightcove
28 Chad Hurley and Steven Chen Co-founders, YouTube
29 Danny Rimer General partner, Index Ventures
30 Muhammad Yunus Founder, Grameen Bank
31 Greg Isaacs Director of developer relations, eBay
32 Alex Bogusky Creative director, Crispin Porter & Bogusky
33 Vinod Khosla Founder, Khosla Ventures
34 David Heinemeier Hansson Partner, 37signals
35 Tim O’Reilly Founder and CEO, O’Reilly Media
36 Janus Friis and Niklas Zennström Co-founders, Skype
37 Patricia Russo CEO, Lucent Technologies
38 Oprah Winfrey Entertainment mogul
39 Electronic Frontier Foundation
40 Jeff Valdez Founder, SiTV
41 Stephen Maurer and Andrej Sali Adjunct associate professor, University of California at Berkeley, and professor, University of California at San Francisco
42 Jeff Bezos CEO, Amazon.com
43 The Pre-Internet Dinosaurs Larry Ellison (Oracle), Paul Otellini (Intel), and Michael Dell (Dell)
44 William McDonough Architect, William McDonough & Partners
45 Richard Branson Chairman, Virgin Group
46 Mike Morhaime Co-founder and president, Blizzard Entertainment
47 Nick Denton Publisher, Gawker Media
48 Naguib Sawiris CEO, Orascom Telecom
49 David Allen Author, Getting Things Done
50 Blake Krikorian Co-founder and CEO, Sling Media
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